A Carpenter’s Guide to Jib Doors


Peter Nicholson, a prominent 19th-century British architect and author, is renowned for his comprehensive works on architectural design and construction. His publications, such as “The New Practical Builder, and Workman’s Companion” and “The Student’s Instructor in Drawing and Working the Five Orders of Architecture,” include detailed illustrations and instructions on various architectural elements.

While these works encompass a broad range of topics, including carpentry, joinery, and the classical orders of architecture, specific illustrations or discussions of jib doors—doors designed to blend seamlessly into a wall without visible trim or hardware—are not prominently featured.

For visual references and detailed guides on jib doors, contemporary resources may offer more targeted information. Websites like The Spruce provide articles such as “A Guide to Jib Doors: What Is It and Do You Need One?” which explore the design and implementation of jib doors in modern interiors.

Additionally, design-focused platforms like Katie Considers showcase various applications of jib doors in interior design, offering inspiration and practical insights.

These resources can provide valuable visual examples and contemporary interpretations of jib doors, complementing the foundational knowledge found in Nicholson’s architectural treatises.

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Hidden Jib Door in the Oval Office

The Oval Office in the White House features two concealed doors, known as jib doors, designed to blend seamlessly with the room’s decor. These doors are covered with the same wallpaper and molding as the surrounding walls, making them nearly invisible to the untrained eye. They provide discreet access to adjacent areas, such as the president’s secretary’s office, without disrupting the room’s aesthetic harmony.

The design choice to include these hidden doors was intentional, aiming to maintain the Oval Office’s architectural integrity. Architect David J. Gill noted, “The Oval Office has two major doors, three windows, and two more window/doors and the two concealed doors.” Incorporating additional elaborate doors could have compromised the room’s design clarity.

These jib doors have occasionally sparked curiosity and speculation. For instance, during a meeting between President Donald Trump and UK Prime Minister Theresa May, a concealed door was observed behind them, leading to discussions on social media. However, such doors are standard features of the Oval Office, serving practical purposes while preserving the room’s iconic appearance.

For a visual demonstration of one of these hidden doors, you might find the following video

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Custom Doors for Pets: How to Create a Stylish and Secure Space for Your Furry Friends

Custom Doors for Pets: How to Create a Stylish and Secure Space for Your Furry Friends

Creating a comfortable and secure environment for your pets is a top priority for many pet owners. However, that doesn’t mean you have to compromise on style or design. Custom pet doors offer a perfect solution by combining functionality with aesthetic appeal.

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